Innovative Microwave Solutions Proposed at Huawei 5G Microwave Asia-Pacific Conference for Heavy-Rain Regions

The Huawei 5G Microwave Asia-Pacific Conference was held online recently, bringing together more than 130 guests to share insights into 5G microwave applications and to discuss how microwave solutions contribute to accelerating 5G development in the Asia-Pacific region. At the conference, Huawei proposed an innovative solution to solve transmission capacity and distance bottlenecks that traditional…

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Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP report suggests need for strategic investments in re-designing anti money laundering (AML) compliance programmes in banking and financial services sectors

Banks are facing increased challenges in meeting heightened regulatory expectations AML compliance is a board level issue with continuing operational challenges and investments not bearing fruit Banks are following a risk-based approach for AML compliance, but more needs to be done to extend it to the enterprise level Transactions monitoring, and sanctions screening processes need…

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පාරිභෝගික පහසුව සඳහා Huawei විසින් කුරියර් මඟින් අලුත්වැඩියා කිරීමේ සේවාව අරඹයි

තාක්ෂණික උපාංග නිෂ්පාදනයේ ලොව ප්‍රමුඛයින් වන Huawei විසින් සිය පරිශීලකයින්ට උසස් තාක්ෂණික අත්දැකීමක් ලබා දීමේ අරමුණින් කුරියර් මඟින් අලුත්වැඩියා කිරීමේ සේවාවක් හඳුන්වා දී තිබේ. සතියේ ඕනෑම දිනක ලබා ගත හැකි මෙම සේවාව මඟින් පරිශීලකයින්ට සිය ජංගම දුරකථන අළුත්වැඩියා කර ගැනීමට නොමිළයේම උපාංග භාර දීම  සහ නැවත පරිශීලකයා වෙත රැගෙන ගෙනවිත් දීමේ සේවා පහසුකම් සපයයි.  මෙම…

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Axiata Digital Labs partners with LK Domain Registry for Sri Lanka’s only web competition

Axiata Digital Labs announced that they have entered into a partnership with LK Domain Registry to sponsor the Awards 2020.  The partnership results in Axiata Digital Labs being crowned as the Exclusive Technological Partner of the 2020 Awards. The Awards, originally commenced in 2009, is considered as Sri Lanka’s only web design competition. As…

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