Sri Lanka Gem and Jewellery Association (SLGJA) AGM focuses on industry collaboration and a resurgent Sri Lankan Export Economy through sustainability
Sri Lanka Gem and Jewellery Association (SLGJA) hosted its 21st Annual General Meeting recently in, Colombo. Re-appointed as President, Ajward Deen has worked tirelessly along with his committee to strengthen and uplift the Gem and Jewellery industry to great heights over the past year.
The Gem and Jewellery industry continues to brave a range of obstacles, spanning from the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to the nation’s ongoing economic and political challenges. The SLGJA has had a momentous year. Recently, the SLGJA, together with the National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA) and Export Development Board (EDB) unveiled FACETS Sri Lanka 2024, scheduled to be held at Cinnamon Grand Colombo from the 6th to the 8th of January, 2024.
Speaking at the AGM, President of the SLGJA, Ajward Deen stated, ‘Our association has had some commendable achievements in the past year. We have dedicated substantial efforts to implementing a series of strategic initiatives with the aim of elevating and enhancing the industry. By adhering steadfastly to ethical mining standards, we aim to empower miners to augment gem production and explore new mines in a sustainable and responsible manner.
The profound significance of the Gem and Jewelry industry, both in our country’s history and in shaping its future, cannot be overstated. It is our collective responsibility to preserve this industry for the benefit of future generations. This includes protecting local gem mining operations, which fall under the nation’s mineral rights.
Given the recent conflicts that have arisen worldwide, peace stands as the most invaluable treasure for people around the world.
Our long-term approach is specifically designed to ensure the sustained growth of our industry, enabling us to meet the ever-increasing global demand for precious stones. Anticipated enhancements, such as streamlined export processes and more flexible regulations pertaining to gem exports, are poised to reinvigorate the industry, reaffirming its pivotal role as a substantial contributor to our local economy.’
The SLGJA will continue in its endeavors to bring about substantial advancements in the upcoming year, with the objective of ensuring the industry’s continued robust growth. As the foremost authority acknowledged by the Sri Lankan government in the field of Gem and Jewelry, the Sri Lanka Gem and Jewelry Association (SLGJA) stands as the collective voice for all facets of this industry. From miners and manufacturers to wholesalers, retailers, exporters, lapidarists, and beyond, SLGJA is committed to tirelessly advocating for the rights and interests of the entire trade.
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Board of Directors of SLGJA 2023/24, Ajward Deen (President), Ahsan Refai (Immediate Past President) Firaz Hameed (Vice President Operations) Nawrooz Azmi (Vice President Finance) Muslim Salahudeen (Vice President- Gem Segment) Akram Cassim (Vice President – Jewellery Segment), Pinsiri Wijepala (Vice President – Lapidary Segment) Armil Sammoon (Vice President- Foreign Promotions), Amanda Wijemanne (Asst. Vice President Operations), Ashfaq Deen (Asst. Vice President Finance)
Board Directors: Altaf Iqbal, Punsiri Tennakoon, Shazeen Farook , Sellakumar Kandasamy, Shezard Careem, Rizvan Sahabdeen , Ahmad Shareek, Saman Amarasena, Umesh Wariyapperuma, Rizan Nazeer, Shezan Mansoor, Fahmy Rahuman, Ziqufi Ismail , Shezmin Mansoor, Shiraz Usuf, Himas Isab, Razni Haniffa, Priyantha Silva, Mohideen Riyaz, Dhivakar Balasubramainam, Issam Sallih