eMarketingEye Outlines Digital Insights that Help Hospitality Industry Overcome COVID-19 Impact
As the world races to curb the spread of the deadly COVID-19 disease, eMarketingEye (www.emarketingeye.com), the award-winning Digital Marketing Agency has taken progressive steps to assist Sri Lanka’s struggling Hospitality industry by sharing a detailed analysis and strategy paper on the impact of the COVID-19 on the industry. The report titled “Digital Insights, Trends and…
கலா பொல 2020: இலங்கை கலை மற்றும் கலைஞர்களுக்கான கொண்டாட்டம்
கலா பொல 2020, இலங்கையின் வருடாந்த திறந்தவெளி ஓவியக் கண்காட்சியின் 27 ஆவது தொகுப்பு, கொழும்பின் கிறீன் பாத் பகுதியை வண்ணமயமாக்கியதுடன், கண்ணைக் கவரும் ஓவியங்கள், உயிரோட்டமுள்ள உருவப்படங்கள், பண்பியல் ஓவியங்கள் மற்றும் நுண்ணிய வேலைப்பாடுகள் கொண்ட சிற்பங்களுடன் பல கலைஞர்களை வெளிக்கொண்டு வந்தது. ஜோன் கீல்ஸ் குழுமத்துடன் ஒன்றிணைந்து ஜோர்ஜ் கீற் மன்றம் முன்னெடுத்த கலா பொல 2020, கொழும்பு 7, ஆனந்தகுமாரசுவாமி மாவத்தையில் பெப்ரவரி 23 ஆம் திகதி இடம்பெற்றது. இந்த திறந்தவெளி ஓவியக்…
කලා පොළ 2020 සාර්ථකව පැවැත්වෙයි
ජෝන් කීල්ස් සමූහය හා ජෝර්ජ් කීට් පදනම එක්ව පවත්වනු ලැබූ කලා පොළ, 2020 පෙබරවාරි 23 වැනිදා, කොළඹ 07 ආනන්ද කුමාරස්වාමි මාවතේදී පැවැත්විණි. 27 වැනි වරටත් පැවැත්වුණු ශ්රී ලංකාවේ විශාලතම එළිමහන් දෘශ්ය කලා ප්රදර්ශනය හා සල්පිල වන කලා පොළ 2020, සාම්ප්රදායික චිත්ර, මූර්ති හා පෝට්රේට් සිතුවම්වල පටන්, නූතන චිත්ර හා ඉතා සංකීර්ණ මූර්ති දක්වා දෘශ්ය කලා…
Kala Pola 2020: A celebration of Sri Lankan Art and Artists
Kala Pola 2020, the 27th edition of Sri Lanka’s annual open-air art fair, turned Green Path in Colombo into a riot of colour, shining a spotlight on local visual artists with a variety of art ranging from breath-taking paintings and life-like portraits to abstract art and intricate sculptures. Presented by The George Keyt Foundation in…
හච්, රීචාර්ජ් කාඩ්පත් පාරිභෝගිකයින් හට බෙදා හැරීම සඳහා තැපැල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව හා අත්වැල් බැඳ ගනියි
කොවිඩ්-19 වසංගත තත්ත්වය මැඩලීම සඳහා පිහිටුවා ඇති ජනාධිපති කාර්ය සාධක බලකායේ විශේෂ ඉල්ලීම මත, තොරතුරු, ජනමාධ්ය හා උසස් අධ්යාපන, තාක්ෂණ හා නව නිපැයුම් අමාත්යාංශයේ සහයෝගය ඇතිව, හච් පාරිභෝගිකයින් සඳහා රීචාර්ජ් කාඩ්පත් නිවෙස් වෙත බෙදා හැරීමේ වැඩපිළිවෙළක් වෙනුවෙන්හච්, තැපැල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව සමග අත්වැල් බැඳ ගෙන තිබේ. ඒ අනුව රට පුරා තැපැල් ස්ථාන මගින්, හච් රීචාර්ජ් කාඩ්පත් සිය…
O/L மற்றும் A/L மாணவர்கள் தமது பரீட்சைக்கான தயார்படுத்தல்களை தொடர உதவி செய்யும் IIT இன் ஒன்லைன் ICT கருத்தரங்குகள்
கொவிட்-19 அச்சுறுத்தல் காரணமாக நாட்டில் நிலவும் முடக்கல் நிலையைக் கருத்தில் கொண்டு, இலங்கையில் பிரித்தானிய உயர் கல்வியை வழங்குவதில் முன்னோடியாகவும், நாட்டிலுள்ள முதன்மையான தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பம் மற்றும் வணிகத் துறை பல்கலைக்கழகமாகவும் திகழும் Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) , சாதாரண தர மற்றும் உயர் தர மாணவர்களை இவ்வாண்டு இறுதியில் நடைபெறவுள்ள பரீட்சைக்கு தயார்படுத்த தற்போது தொடர்ச்சியாக நடாத்தி வரும், தகவல் தொடர்பாடல் தொழில்நுட்ப (ஐ.சி.டி) பாடத்திற்கான ஒன்லைன் உதவிக் கருத்தரங்குகளின் எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரித்துள்ளது.…
IIT ආයතනය, අන්තර්ජාල සම්මන්ත්රණ මගින් සාමාන්ය පෙළ හා උසස් පෙළ සිසුන් විභාග සඳහා සූදානම් කරයි
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ පුරෝගාමී බ්රිතාන්ය උසස් අධ්යාපන ආයතනයක් මෙන්ම තොරතුරු තාක්ෂණ සහ ව්යාපාර අධ්යයන සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප්රමුඛ ආයතනයක් ද වන Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) ආයතනය හා Business campus, කොව්ඩ් 19 තර්ජනයට හමුවේ රට පුරා ඇඳිරි නීතිය පැනවීම හේතුවෙන් විභාගයට පෙනී සිටීමට නියමිත සිසුන් ඉලක්ක කරමින්, අන්තර්ජාලය මගින් සම්ම්න්ත්රණ පැවැත්වීමට පියවර ගෙන තිබේ. කොවිඩ්-19 වසංගතය නිසා…
IIT’s online seminars in ICT help O/L and A/L students continue their exam preparations
In view of the ongoing lockdown in Sri Lanka caused by the COVID-19 threat, Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT), the pioneer in British higher education in Sri Lanka and the country’s premier IT and Business campus, has increased its ongoing series of online support seminars in ICT, that help prepare Ordinary Level (O/L) and Advanced…
HUTCH together with Department of Posts Sri Lanka extends support during COVID 19
In collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Mass Media and Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation on a special request made by the Presidential Task Force established to combat COVID – 19 in Sri Lanka, HUTCH has joined hands with the Department of Posts Sri Lanka (DPSL) in delivering much needed recharge cards…
Huawei Tech Devices: Perfect Companions for Business Professionals
Huawei, the innovative smartphone manufacturer, is known for rolling out feature packed devices, be it smartphones, tablets or other tech gadgets. Huawei yet again proves its competence in delivering an unmatched user experience with its innovative additions: Huawei Media Pad T5, Huawei Nova 7i and Huawei Free buds 3, all of which are capable of…