Huawei enters laptop segment launching Huawei MateBook D 15 in Sri Lanka
Introduces “Huawei Share” enhancing user experience and productivity Huawei, announced the introduction of Huawei MateBook D 15, the latest addition to Huawei’s product portfolio in Sri Lanka. The Huawei MateBook D 15 laptop has a stylish and a minimalist design whilst focusing on a solid performance. Huawei has been steadily making a name in the…
Five Reasons Why You Should Choose the HUAWEI nova 7i
Coming in at less than 55000.00 LKR, the newly launched HUAWEI nova 7i packs a serious punch. Equipped with a 48MP AI-powered all-scenario quad camera with industry-leading 7nm Kirin 810 chipset, customers can get flagship feature, for a budget price. Here are five reasons why it is our phone of choice. 1. New GPU Turbo…
Huawei partners with carmakers to cultivate 5G automobile ecosphere
Huawei, the world’s leading ICT provider, has established an alliance with 18 automakers to build a 5G-enabled automobile ecosphere to accelerate commercial use of 5G technologies in the industry. The first batch of 18 automakers of this alliance include First Automobile Group, Chang’an Automobile, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, SAIC Motor Corporation, Guangzhou Automobile Group, BYD Auto,…
Gearing up for the New Working Environment
No one could have predicted the COVID-19 crisis or the measures that would be necessary to effectively combat such a threat. Fortunately, due to its very nature, the IT-BPM sector already had some WFH protocols in place making it easier for the sector to adapt with approximate 90% of companies being able to ensure zero…
Huawei Nova 7i’s wide entertainment options set a New Benchmark for Mid-range devices
Huawei Nova 7i, the stylish smartphone from Huawei’s Nova series boasts a range of features that facilitate users with an optimal entertainment while they are confined to their homes at present. This feature-packed device allows users to explore new avenues such as embracing photography skills and also stay connected with the loved ones, cherishing beautiful…
ஐ.டி.எச் இல் ஒரு மூலக்கூறு கண்டறியும் ஆய்வகத்தை நிறுவுவதற்கு தனியார் துறை துணைபுரிகிறது.
தேசிய தொற்று நோய்கள் நிறுவனத்தில் (ஐ.டி.எச்) புதிய மூலக்கூறு கண்டறியும் ஆய்வகம் ஒன்றினை ஏப்ரல் 28ம் திகதி, 2020 அன்று சுகாதார சேவைகளின் பணிப்பாளர் நாயகம் டாக்டர் அனில் ஜசிங்க அவர்கள் திறந்து வைத்தார். மெல்ஸ்டாகார்ப் பி.எல்.சி, ஜோன் கீல்ஸ் ஹோல்டிங்ஸ் பி.எல்.சி, டொய்ச் வங்கி (Deutsche Bank) மற்றும் தெற்காசியா கேட்வே டெர்மினல்கள் (பிரைவேட்) லிமிடெட் (South Asia Gateway Terminals (Pvt) Ltd) மற்றும் இலங்கை மீன்வளக் கழகத்தின் நலன்புரி சங்கம் மற்றும் திறப்பு…
අයිඩීඑච් රෝහලේ අණුක රෝග විනිශ්චය පිළිබඳ රසායනාගාරයක් ස්ථාපිත කිරීම සඳහා පුද්ගලික අංශය සහය වේ
සෞඛ්ය සේවා අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල්, වෛද්ය අනිල් ජාසිංහ විසින් 2020 අප්රේල් 28 දින බෝවෙන රෝග පිළිබඳ ජාතික ආයතනයේ (IDH) නව අණුක රෝග විනිශ්චය පිළිබඳ රසායනාගාරයක් විවෘත කරන ලදී. මෙල්ස්ටකෝප් පීඑල්සී, ජෝන් කීල්ස් හෝල්ඩින්ග්ස් පීඑල්සී, ඩට්ච් බෑන්ක් සහ සවුත් ඒෂියා ගේට්වේ ටර්මිනල්ස් (ප්රයිවට්) ලිමිටඩ් යන පුද්ගලික අංශ මෙන්ම ලංකා ධීවර සංස්ථාවේ ශුභසාධක සංගමය සහ විවෘත කිරීම නියෝජනය කළ…
හච්, නොමිලේ Data, SMS හා ඇමතුම් කාලයක් පිරිනමමින් ඩිජිටල් වෙසක් දීමනා වැඩසටහන දියත් කරයි
‘දානය ̓ කෙරෙහි නිරතුරුවම සැබෑ ලෙස කැප වන හච්,් මෙවර වෙසක් උත්සවය නිමිත්තෙන්, අඛණ්ඩව 6 වැනි වරටත් ඩිජිටල් “වෙසක් දීමනා” වැඩසටහන දියත් කරමින්, සිය පාරිභෝගකයින් හට සුවිශේෂී දීමනා පිරි නැමීමට කටයුතු යොදා තිබේ. ඒ අනුව 2020 මැයි 7 වැනිදා සිට 9 වැනිදා දක්වා හච් පාරිභෝගිකයින් හට මෙම ඩිජිටල් වෙසක් දීමනා ලබා ගැනීමට අවකාශ සැලසෙනු ඇත. …
“HatchX” accelerating Sri Lanka’s fintech ecosystem supporting startups
Despite the volatile condition in the country and the world due to the pandemic, Sri Lanka’s first fintech accelerator program launched virtually on April 23rd 2020. This is also the first virtual accelerator to be launched in the South Asian region overall during COVID-19. HatchX fintech chapter is executed in partnership with Lankan Angel Network…
HUTCH launches Digital Vesak Deemana offering Free Data, SMS and Talk time for the 6th year
Encourages all Sri Lankan’s to reflect and engage in religious observances from home Committing to ‘giving’ in its true spirit, HUTCH will be launching its trademark Digital “Vesak Deemana” for the 6th consecutive year in light of the Vesak festival from 7th to 9th May 2020. HUTCH customers can now avail this free offer by…