Huawei Service Annual Giving Season kicks off with mega discounts plus free gifts
Huawei, the global smartphone brand always empowers its customers with best service offerings. The island-wide Huawei Service Centers are just one testament to its high quality customer focus. Another mark of service excellence is the way Huawei welcomes the Christmas and New Year season and felicitates its customers. Huawei’s celebration of the Season, the Huawei…
Historic 15th edition of PropertyGuru Asia Property Awards Grand Final laurels the best of Asia-Pacific real estate
OUTSTANDING COMPANIES JUBILATE ONLINE AS THEY BEST PEERS ACROSS THE REGION FOR HIGHLY COVETED TITLES FROM LONG-RUNNING AWARDS PROGRAMME Eighty-seven companies compete for 35 sought-after regional titles, including new regional Developer awards Developers and projects from Singapore score nine regional wins including Best Developer (Asia) for GuocoLand, while those from Indonesia clinch eight regional honours…
නවතම ASUS 11 Gen, VivoBook S15 ලැප්ටොප් ශ්රී ලංකාවට හඳුන්වා දෙයි.
ASUS සමාගමේ 11th Gen නවතම VivoBook S15 ලැප්ටොප් පරිගණකය ශ්රී ලංකාවට හඳුන්වා දුන්නේය. තරුණ පරම්පරාවේ පරිශීලකයන්ගේ අවශ්යතා පිළීබද වඩා හොද අවබෝධයකින් යුතුව සියලුම දෙනාගේ විවිධ අවශ්යතාවයන්ට සරිලන අකාරයෙන් නිර්මාණය කර ඇති මෙම VivoBook S15 ආකර්ශනීය පෙනුමකින් සහ සැහැල්ලු බවින් ඉතා ඉහළය. එලෙසම එහි පෙනුම මෙන්ම ක්රියාකාරිත්වය ද අසමසම මට්ටමකට ගෙන එමින් 11th Gen Intel processors…
மேம்படுத்தப்பட்ட VivoBook S15 (S533) இனை அறிமுகப்படுத்தும் ASUS Sri Lanka
ஆளுமை மற்றும் செயல்திறனுக்கு இடையில் சரியான சமநிலையைத் தரும் இலகுவாக எடுத்துச் செல்லக் கூடிய மடிக்கணனிகளைக் கொண்ட VivoBook S தொடருக்கான அற்புதமான புதிய மேம்படுத்தப்பட்ட தயாரிப்புகளை ASUS அறிவித்துள்ளதுடன், இதன் உறுதியான தோற்றம் உங்கள் நாடித்துடிப்பினை எகிற வைப்பது உறுதியாகும். இந்தத் தொடரானது நவீன 11th Generation Intel® Core™ புரசசர்களினால் வலுவூட்டப்படுவதுடன், சிறந்த கிராபிக்ஸ் அனுபவத்தை வழங்க NVIDIA GeForce MX350 கொண்டுள்ளது. இதனோடு 40% செயற்திறன் அதிகரிப்பினை வழங்கும் ASUS Intelligent Performance…
ASUS Sri Lanka Launches Updated VivoBook S15 (S533)
The boldly styled ultraportable laptop strikes the perfect balance between personality and performance, now with 11th Gen Intel processors and up to NVidia GeForce MX350 graphics ASUS has announced exciting new updates to the VivoBook S series which comprises of ultraportable laptops that strike the perfect balance between personality and performance, and featuring a new…
Huawei Upgrades Optical Networking 2.0 Solution to Create Better Business Opportunities for Operators
Huawei announced it will further upgrade its Optical Networking 2.0 (ON2.0) solution at Huawei’s 7th Optical Network Innovation Forum, which featuring new speed, new sites, new smart O&M, new schema and new services. This solution will help operators develop innovative services and thrive. The global pandemic has seen home networks undergo a radical transformation, from…
Sri Lanka Brand Leadership Awards 2020 நிகழ்வில் விருது வென்ற ஒரேயொரு தொலைத்தொடர்பாடல் நிறுவனமான HUTCH
இலங்கையின் மிகவும் விரும்பப்படும் மொபைல் புரோட்பேண்ட் சேவை வழங்குனராகத் திகழும் HUTCH, அண்மையில் நிறைவடைந்த Sri Lanka Brand Leadership Awards 2020 நிகழ்வில் விருதுகளைப் பெற்ற ஒரே தொலைத்தொடர்பாடல் வர்த்தகநாமம் என்ற அரிய அங்கீகாரத்தைப் பெற்றது. ஏனைய பல முன்னணி வர்த்தகநாமங்களும் விருதுகளை வென்ற இந்த நிகழ்வில், ஒரு விருதல்ல, இரு விருதுகளை HUTCH தனதாக்கியது. ‘வருடத்துக்கான சிறந்த சந்தைப்படுத்தல் பிரசாரம்’ (Best Marketing Campaign of the Year) மற்றும் வருடத்தின் வளர்ந்து வரும்…
පරිසර හිතකාමි කපු භාවිතය වැඩි කිරිමට ඕෂන් ලංකා සමාගම හා Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) අත්වැල් බැඳ ගනියි
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ විශාලතම weft knitted රෙදිපිළි නිෂ්පාදන සමාගමක් වන ඕෂන් ලංකා පුද්ගලික සමාගම, ලෝකයේ ප්රමුඛ පෙළේ කපු නිෂ්පාදන සමාගමක් වන Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) සමාගම සමග අත්වැල් බඳ ගත් බව පසුගියදා නිවේදනය කළේය. එම සුවිශේෂී හවුල්කාරිත්වය හේතුවෙන්, ඕෂන් ලංකා සමාගමේ පරිසර හිතකාමි කපු නිෂ්පාදන තවදුරටත් ඉහළ යනු ඇතැයි අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ. Cotton made in Africa යනු, Aid…
FINCO TRADING launches EGGER PRO Flooring Collection 2021+
Finco Trading (Pvt) Limited, a member of Finco Holdings has introduced, EGGER Laminated flooring 2021 collection to Sri Lankan flooring market. EGGER is the latest addition to Finco’s luxury living solutions brand portfolio which includes Häcker, BOSCH, De Dietrich, Brandt, KOHLER. The German based EGGER has a strong market base in 124 countries in the…
Record the best moments in life with Huawei Y7a’s AI powered Quad Camera
Today no smartphone buyer will go for a device without the mandatory high quality camera. Smartphones are becoming best-sellers on the sheer capacity of their cameras. The latest powerhouse from the global smartphone brand, Huawei Y7a packs an incredible flagship capacity Quad AI camera that is not usual for a mid-range smartphone of this nature.…