HUTCH responds to today’s needs for more affordable Study from Home plans
HUTCH, Sri Lanka’s preferred choice for mobile broadband services in yet another customer-first initiative has introduced more affordable Study from Home plans. As the go-to telecom operator when it comes to affordable data plans, HUTCH continues to listen to customers’ pain points and curate solutions to suit the increasing needs to access online classes and…
මෙඩිහෙල්ප් රෝහල් ජාලයේ නවතම ශාඛාව හෝමාගමදී විවෘත කරයි
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ ප්රමුඛතම සෞඛ්ය සේවා ආයතනයක් වන මෙඩිහෙල්ප් රෝහල් ජාලය පසුගියදා සිය 13 වන ශාඛාව හෝමාගම නගරයේදී විවෘත කළේය. මෙමගින් ලබන මාර්තු 31 වනදා දක්වා රසායනාගාර පරීක්ෂණ සඳහා 50% ක වට්ටමක්, රෝහල් ගාස්තු රහිත විශේෂඥ වෛද්ය උපදේශන සහ නොමිලේ රුධිර සීනි පරීක්ෂණ ඇතුළුව විශේෂ හඳුන්වාදීමේ දීමනා රැසක් ලබා ගැනීමේ අවස්ථාව හිමිකර දී තිබේ. සියලුම බාහිර…
இலங்கையில் தனது பிரத்தியேக காட்சியறையை ஆரம்பித்துள்ள ASUS
பிரபல பல்தேசிய தொழில்நுட்ப நிறுவனமான ASUS Sri Lanka, இலங்கையில் தனது முதலாவது பிரத்தியேக காட்சியறையை கொழும்பின் மையப்பகுதியில் திறந்து வைத்துள்ளது. இலங்கையில் தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பம் மற்றும் தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பம் தொடர்பான தீர்வுகளுக்காக மட்டுமே அர்ப்பணிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள யூனிட்டி பிளாசாவில் இந்த கடை வசதியாகவும், மையப்பகுதியிலும் அமைந்துள்ளது. மேலும் ASUS ZenBook தொடர், VivoBook தொடர் உள்ளிட்ட இலத்திரனியல் பொருட்கள், கணினி வன்பொருள் மற்றும் துணைப்பொருட்கள் ஆகியவற்றை வழங்குவதுடன், கேமிங் தொடர் மற்றும் வணிக, நிறுவன மற்றும் கோர்ப்பரேட்…
Pelwatte Industries forms an auxiliary Industry to Support Local Dairy Farming
Creating Jobs and uplifting several communities Pelwatte Dairy Industries, Sri Lanka’s leading local dairy producer, is on a renewed mission to produce sufficient forage for the cattle – all year along, despite the season, weather and climate which usually cause deflects to the produce and affect grazing patterns and milk production capabilities of the cattle.…
Application Deadline for SLASSCOM National Ingenuity Awards 2021 extended till March 5th
The Sri Lanka Association for Software Services Companies (SLASSCOM), the national chamber for IT/BPM industry in Sri Lanka announces that application submission date for SLASSCOM National Ingenuity Awards 2021 has been extended till 5th March 2021. The SLASSCOM National Ingenuity Awards 2021 (formerly known as SLASSCOM Innovation Awards) is held for the third consecutive…
හච්, ලොව සුපතල Audio streaming subscription සේවාව වන Spotify සමඟ අත්වැල් බැඳගනී
ජංගම දුරකථන බ්රෝඩ්බෑන්ඩ් සේවාවන් සඳහා ශ්රී ලාංකීය පාරිභෝගිකයින් අතර වඩාත් ප්රියතම තේරීම වන හච්, ලොව වඩාත් ජනප්රියම Audio streaming subscription සේවාව වන Spotify හා එක්ව ශ්රී ලාංකීය පාරිභෝගිකයින් වෙත අද්විතීය විනෝදාස්වාදයක් පිරිනැමීමට කටයුතු කර තිබේ. දැන් සියලුම ශ්රී ලාංකිකයින්ට Spotify හරහා මිලියන 70කට අධික ජනප්රිය ගීත සඳහා ප්රවේශය හිමි වන අතර, මෙහි විදේශීය මෙන්ම දේශීය වශයෙන් ප්රචලිත ගීත රැසක් දැකගත හැකිය. මෙම හවුල්කාරිත්වය මඟින්…
Ocean Lanka විසින් දීර්ඝ කාලීනව සේවයේ නිරත වූ සේවකයින් 39 දෙනෙකු ඇගයීමට ලක් කරයි
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ විශාලතම weft knitted ඇගළුම් නිෂ්පාදකයා වන Ocean Lanka විසින් පසුගියදා සිය සමාගම තුළ වසර 25ක සහ 20ක සේවා කාලයක් සම්පුර්ණ කරන ලද සේවකයින් 39 දෙනෙකු අගයමින් මුදල් ත්යාග පිරිනැමිණි. මේ පිළිබඳව අදහස් දක්වමින් Ocean Lanka හි කළමනාකාර අධ්යක්ෂ ආචාර්ය ඔස්ටින් අවු මහතා අවධාරණය කළේ මෙවැන්නකි. ” Ocean Lanka සමාගම කලාපයේ ප්රමුඛතම රෙදිපිළි නිෂ්පාදකයා…
DIMO நிறுவனம் 8ஆவது தொடர்ச்சியான ஆண்டாக “Great Place to Work” விருதினைக் கொண்டாடுகின்றது
இலங்கையின் முன்னணி பாரிய நிறுவனங்களில் ஒன்றான DIMO, இலங்கையில் பணியாற்றுவதற்கான சிறந்த இடங்களில் ஒன்றாக (Great Places To Work – GPTW) தொடர்ச்சியாக 8ஆவது ஆண்டாகவும் GPTW விருது வழங்கும் நிகழ்வில் தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த நிகழ்வு கொழும்பு ஹில்டனில் இடம்பெற்றிருந்தது. முன்னைய வருடங்களைப் போல, இம்முறையும் பல விருதுகளை DIMO தனதாக்கியது. இம்முறை “Best Workplaces in Sri Lanka 2020” விருதுக்கு மேலதிகமாக, “Excellence in People Initiatives – Inspiring”, “Best…
Continuous 5G Evolution for Building an Engine of All-Industry Digitalization — Dr. Tong Wen, Huawei Fellow and CTO of Huawei Wireless
At the 5G Advanced Summit hosted by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) during MWC Shanghai 2021, Dr. Tong Wen, Huawei Fellow and CTO of Huawei Wireless, delivered a keynote speech titled “Continuous 5G Evolution for Building an Engine of All-Industry Digitalization”. In his speech, Dr. Tong emphasized that 5G must continuously evolve…
HUTCH partners Spotify, bringing the world’s most popular audio streaming service to Sri Lanka
HUTCH, Sri Lanka’s preferred choice for mobile broadband services has teamed up with Spotify, the world’s most popular audio streaming subscription service, to bring to Sri Lankan mobile subscribers a personalized listening experience. Spotify will offer in Sri Lankans a stellar listening experience for local and international music of over 70 million tracks. This Hutch-Spotify…