නවීනත්වයේ සැබෑම නිස්කලංක ජීවිතයකට ප්‍රයිම් CLOVER IN THALAWATHUGODA.

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ දේපළ වෙළඳාම් ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ පුරෝගාමී සමාගමක් වන ප්‍රයිම් සමුහයේ signature villas ජාලයට එක්වූ Clover in Thalawathugoda නවතම ව්‍යාපෘතිය ආරම්භ කෙරිණි. තලවතුගොඩ කොරෙයා ගාඩ්න්ස් (Corea Gardens) හිදී මාර්තු 19 වනදා මෙම සුඛෝපභෝගී Villas විකිණීමේ සමාරම්භක උත්සවය පැවැත්වුණු අතර ආරම්භයේදීම විශාල සාර්ථකත්වයක් අත්කර ගනිමින් සුඛෝපභෝගී Villas වලින් 60% ක් දැනටමත් අලෙවි කර ඇත. Clover ව්‍යාපෘතියේ අති…

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CNCI Achiever Awards 2020 හිදී ඕෂන් ලංකා හට ජාතික තලයේ කුසලතා සම්මානයක්

ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ විශාලතම weft knitted ඇගළුම් නිෂ්පාදකයා වන ඕෂන් ලංකා, ලංකා ජාතික කර්මාන්ත මණ්ඩලය (CNCI)  විසින් වාර්ෂිකව සංවිධානය කරනු ලබන ජාතික තලයේ සම්මාන ප්‍රධානෝත්සවයක් වන Achiever Awards 2020 හිදී  Manufacturing – Extra Large කාණ්ඩය යටතේ සුවිශේෂී කුසලතා සම්මානයක් ජයග්‍රහණය කර ඇත.  කර්මාන්ත හා සැපයුම් කළමනාකරණ අමාත්‍ය විමල් වීරවංශයන්ගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් පැවැත්වුණු මෙවර සම්මාන උළෙල උත්කර්ෂවත් අන්දමින්…

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The significance of pastoral care: a Lancaster University and Study Group perspective

The UK is a world-leading academic hub, and every year thousands of Sri Lankan students – from promising undergraduates to skilled postgraduates attend to pursue their studies in British universities. In addition to the country’s academic excellence, Sri Lankan students appreciate the UK’s highly welcoming, multicultural and vibrant society, and now, the country’s efficient COVID-19…

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Huawei PC Manager: கணினிகளின் பொதுச் சிக்கல்களை கண்டறிந்து சரிசெய்யும் கருவி

Huawei ஆனது hardware மற்றும் software தீர்வுகள் இரண்டிலும் அதன் திறன்மிக்க முன்னணி தொழில்நுட்ப தீர்வுகள் வழங்குநராக, Huawei சாதன பயனர்களுக்கு சிறந்த புதுமையான தொழில்நுட்பங்களை வழங்க ஒருங்கிணைத்துள்ளது. இதுபோன்ற பல்துறை மற்றும் முழுமையான ஒருங்கிணைந்த பயன்பாடானது Huawei PC Manager மூலம் பொதுவான கணினிகளின் சிக்கல்களை சரிசெய்ய உதவுகிறது. அதே நேரத்தில் Huawei மடிக்கணினிகளை சீராக இயங்க வைக்க முக்கியமான உதவிக்குறிப்புகள் மற்றும் பரிந்துரைகளை வழங்குகிறது.PC Manager ஆனது கணினி அல்லது மடிக்கணினி உள்ள அனைவருக்கும்…

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Huawei PC Manager: the ultimate troubleshooting tool for common PC problems

Huawei, the leading technology solutions provider earmarked for its prowess in both hardware and software solutions has innovatively integrated latest technologies to provide a best in class user experience to Huawei device holders.  One such versatile and fully integrated application is the Huawei PC Manager that facilitates in troubleshooting common PC problems whilst providing important…

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Huawei together with Browns Investments unveils Huawei’s IdeaHub Smart Screen

The latest cutting-edge productivity tool IdeaHub Smart Screen is now available in Sri Lanka World’s leading ICT solutions provider Huawei and strategic investment vehicle of the Sri Lanka’s Browns Group – Browns Investments PLC together in partnership recently unveiled the latest cutting-edge productivity tool IdeaHub Smart Screen to the Sri Lankan Market. Huawei Ideahub Smart…

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