FHA Sri Lanka condemns the murder of Three Wheel Association Chairman Late Sunil Jayawardena
The Finance Houses Association of Sri Lanka (FHA) in its capacity as the apex association of 41 Registered licensed Finance companies of Sri Lanka, deeply condemns the alleged murder of the late Sunil Jayawardena, the Chairman of the Lanka Self Employed Professional’s Three Wheel Association, which has taken place on Wednesday 10th, June 2020, evening.
The murder of late Sunil Jayawardena is an example of unethical and unruly practices adopted by fraudulent organizations and the alleged finance institution Chanmil Investment (Pvt) Ltd is by no means associated with the 41 regulated and licensed Finance Institutions registered under the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and also not attached to the FHA Sri Lanka.
As such, FHA denounces the actions of the said fraudulent organization and the uncalled for tragedy that accompanied their actions.
FHA compromises of 41 licensed finance companies across Sri Lanka, with a long standing history in the industry, was formed with the aim of addressing the emerging problems in an unregulated environment that the deposit taking and lending companies operated. Which had given way for many fraudulent and unethical practices; adopted by certain institutions that ‘claimed’ to be Finance Institutions.
FHA further clarified that the 41 licensed finance companies attached to FHA have already offered debt moratorium as stipulated by the Government of Sri Lanka. Which was in line with Circular No. 04 and 05 of 2020 issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, instructing to provide relief measures and assist general public on their financial borrowings due to COVID-19 pandemic and the financial difficulties that accompanied the global crisis.
While complying to debt moratorium regulations the licensed finance companies have offered debt relief to approximately 500,000 customers across Sri Lanka. Under such context, FHA reiterates its condemnation of the perturbing actions by the said unregulated and unlicensed lending organization, which has resulted in a loss of an invaluable human life.