Baby Cheramy generously presents one million worth of baby care products to Sri Lanka’s newest sextuplets for a year
On 17th October 2023, Sri Lanka’s second set of sextuplets were born at the Castle Street Hospital for Women. In keeping with its commitment to support parents in giving their infants the best start in life, Baby Cheramy is pledging its entire range of baby products for the 5 surviving infants for a period of 1 year to support the parents. For decades, millions of Sri Lankan parents have trusted their babies’ health and wellbeing to the care of Baby Cheramy’s gentle products, which led it to become the leader in the baby care category. The newborns too will enjoy the gentle and pure touch of Baby Cheramy Soaps, Colognes, Creams, Diapers & Other toiletry needs. As a responsible brand that supports its community, in the past, Baby Cheramy has partnered with the parents of the first-ever sextuplets, providing them with a generous donation of one million worth of products.
Hiran Baptist – Brand Manager, Baby Cheramy commented: “The birth of sextuplets is a unique event and deserves our support as it will be challenging task for the new parents to fulfill all the babycare needs due to the cost, which is where Baby Cheramy has stepped in. We are delighted to provide the entire range of Baby Cheramy babycare products amounting to LKR 1 Million free to the parents for a year to keep the babies clean, safe and pure. Creating a safer world for our babies is the No. 1 priority for parents and us, and Baby Cheramy offers the safest and most trusted environment for the newborns.”
Deeply involved with prospective and new sets of parents, Baby Cheramy also conducts a series of parental clinical programmes titled ‘Daru Patiyata Surakshitha Lowak’ across the island to spread awareness on inclusive parenting, early childhood development, and on how to create a safer world for the babyalong with tips to overcome challenges during pregnancy for both mothers and fathers. The parental clinics are endorsed by the Ministry of Women & Child Affairs, Ministry of Health, and the Early Child Care Development Authority.
As a responsible brand, the No. 1 Most Loved & Trusted Baby Care brand, Baby Cheramy, initiates various such meaningful initiatives to uplift communities to create a safer world for babies.
Photo Caption: During the donation event, Castle Medical staff, alongside the mother, with the Baby Cheramy Team.